Monday, December 28, 2009

So a friend said I should start a blog

So a friend told me I should start blogging.

I asked my facebook friends... "If I blogged, would you follow?" I got a few responses.

"Why not?" I asked myself. So here I am. Just me.

I'm a wife of 5 years to a husband that shares my love of 'Let's do this NOW' mentality. He makes me laugh like no other and our relationship has been fast and furious. We fight hard and laugh harder. I love him madly and we are an amazing team. He is the smile that I've never shown before...

I'm a mommy of three little ones.

"Doodle Dunk" - our firstborn is three and a half years old. She is a little blond hair/blue eyed mini-me and prefers daddy's company over mine ANY day. We butt heads like there's no tomorrow and it's probably because we're so much alike. She's such a pretty little girl, very sensitive and extremely bossy. She's goofy and quiet at times and she is teaching me more about myself than I ever knew existed. Her sweet smile lights up any & all darkness in my heart.

"Bug" - our little tiny toddler is such a cutie pie. She's 16 months old and in the <3% on the weight charts but can beat up anything in her way. She's absolutely stunning and is my little sweetie pie. Her dark hair and blue eyes are going to get us into trouble in the future I think... She loves to sleep, loves to screech and will beat up her older sister any day of the week and then smother her with affection. She loves to hug and kiss and loves animals like her daddy. I fear for the boy that breaks her heart one day and anyone that ever hurts her family.

"Little Brother" - our chunk of a child and sweet little light of mine, my only boy and BOY do I now understand the mother son bond! This little one has been my light in what could be a dark time for me. His arrival was a complete surprise but we couldn't be happier with his timing. Or should I say, HIS timing (God, that is.)

I'm a Jesus lover too... but more on that later! Without Him, I would be nothing.